About Us

Sport North was incorporated in October 1976 to assist in the promotion and development of amateur sport in the Northwest Territories.

Our Mission

Sport North Federation supports its members to provide quality sport opportunities throughout the NWT.

Our Vision

In the Northwest Territories, all residents have opportunities for active, lifelong engagement in sport delivered through a well-coordinated system.

Our Logo

SNF logo The Sport North Federation Logo has two symbolic northern figures joined by a single head to indicate the unity of the Territorial Sport  Organizations within Sport North. The bottom figure is running with lifted arms, representing speed and strength. The top figure is balancing, representing co-ordination and agility. These are the four athletic qualities needed to participate in sport.

Sport North and its member organizations meet twice per year; Annual General Meeting (May) and the Sport Forum (November).


Sport North was incorporated October of 1976 to assist in the promotion and development of Sport in the Northwest Territories.

The Federation came into being for two reasons:

  1. The Government of the Northwest Territories could no longer handle all the services required by organized sport without enlargement of its staff.
  2. The Sport Community in the Northwest Territories was sufficiently organized and experienced to handle its own affairs.

Today Sport North consists of 30 Territorial Sport Organizations and 3 partner organizations (NWT Recreation & Parks Association, Aboriginal Sport Circle of the Northwest Territories and Special Olympics NWT). It has the responsibility for providing programs and services for organized sport in the Territories.

The Federation receives its direction from its members, while the programs and policies are administered by a volunteer Board of Directors.